About Us

A passionate and respected team of educators, healthcare professionals, and business leaders dedicated to providing mental health literacy to youth across British Columbia.

Our origin

Who is Adam?

Adam’s Apples Foundation was created to honour the legacy of Adam Hryhorchuk, who passed away at the age of 22 from an accidental drug overdose. Adam struggled with drug addiction and mental health throughout his adolescence. His loss had a profound impact on his family, friends, and all who knew him.

He is remembered for his genuine kindness, great sense of humour, and his profound ability to connect with others. This was seen through his volunteering as a peer counsellor throughout high school, his continuous desire to create meaningful connections, and being an incredible friend to those he loved.  

Adam’s family continues his legacy by facilitating what Adam’s core ability was: connection. Through a simple bowl of apples, students are able to connect, share, inspire, and grow with one another, creating a better community for students.

In 2018, the Apple Bowl evolved into a mission to educate youth on the importance of connection and conversation through the Core Connectors Initiative. Our goal is that no mother, brother, sister, or friend will have to suffer a loss as tragic as his. Though we miss Adam immensely and the void of losing him will never be filled, we know he would be incredibly proud of what we have created in his memory.

Photos of Adam and his family.
Our team

Board Members

Adam's Apples Foundation operates under a cohesive structure led by dedicated board members and volunteers who oversee program implementation, administration, and outreach efforts. Collaboration and community engagement are central to our organization as we strive to effectively deliver our mission of improving mental health and well-being through connection and education.

Darcy Hibberd

Adam’s mother and the founder of AAF, Darcy, is a successful business woman and volunteer who has dedicated her life to striking a balance between her commercial success, the happiness of her friends, and the nurturing of her four children.

Beth Allard

Beth is a partner at Norton Rose Fulbright LLP. As a mother of two, she understands the importance of giving children the opportunity to connect, to be heard and to be valued.

Steve Anthony

Head of School at West Point Grey Academy, Stephen believes deeply in the potential of our youth, and the critical importance of actively developing their character, leadership capacity, and unique voices.

Leslie Blake

Leslie has worked in the helping professions for over 35 years, first as a critical care nurse in several large teaching hospitals, and currently as a Registered Psychologist. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing; a Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology; and a Master of Arts and PhD in Clinical Psychology.

Peter Blake

Peter is an accomplished business leader, who enjoyed his work as Chief Executive Officer with Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers and WesternOne Inc. He served as Chair of the Board of West Point Grey Academy, and as a cabinet member for the BC Business Laureates Hall of Fame. He is currently the Chair of Board of FortisBC, and joined the Vancouver Airport Authority board.

David Chevreau

David is a happily retired High School Counsellor. He is convinced that adolescents who have meaningful connections are more likely to make healthy decisions as they navigate the “fire swamp” of their teenage years. In addition to other degrees, David completed a MA in Counselling Psychology at UBC.

Liz Fleming

Originally trained at the University of Victoria as a Social Worker, Liz has served at the Board of Directors level with community services organizations including P.I.N. Crisis Line, Chimo Crisis Line, Vernon Women’s Transition House, the Richmond Caring Place Society, and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C. and Yukon.

Muffy Greenaway

Dr. Muffy Greenaway MD, FRPC© is the Founder and Director of Three Story Clinic and is a Psychiatrist with over 10 years of experience assessing and treating conditions such as Anxiety, Depression, Eating Disorders, Psychosis, and Complex Pain.

Katy Harandi

Katy Harandi is the mother of two children, one of whom has autism. Katy is the co- founder and Chair of the Board at PALS Autism Society, a specialized educational program for children and young adults with autism.

Lesley Hoeschen

Lesley enjoyed a successful career in the investment industry as a Vice President at RBC Dominion Securities before transitioning to stay-at-home mom to raise her three children, which include a child affected by mental health challenges.

Sean MacLachlan

Adam’s brother, Sean, is a Chartered Professional Accountant in Ernst & Young’s Transaction Advisory practice. Sean is serving on the board of AAF to connect with youth who are facing mental health challenges.

Ally MacLachlan

Adam's sister, Ally, is the Director of Program Development for the Adam's Apples Foundation. She has helped program expansion, creative fundraising initiatives, and spearheading public speaking initiatives regularly. Ally is pursuing a Masters of Mental Health in the Faculty of Medicine while continuing to oversee her role within the foundation.

Our team

Youth Council

Adam’s Apples Youth Council members are successful Core Connector Initative (CCI) participants who will apply the skills they have learned to their schools to help reduce stigma and encourage peer-to-peer support. The Youth Council’s mandate is to provide Adam’s Apples Foundation with feedback on the concerns facing youth today as well as help facilitate the practices of AAF in their schools.